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- Time Period contains "10-14th century CE"
Ibn ‘Idari on the Mosque of Córdoba
With the Faqih Muhammad b. ‘Isa as his source, al-Razi stated that when the Muslims conquered al-Andalus, they followed the examples of Abu ‘Ubayda and Khalid (may God be pleased with them), according to the instruction of the Commander…
Al-Wansharisi Answers a Query about Qibla
On Prayer To determine the direction of the qibla, is it necessary to make use of an azimuth? Or is it sufficient that one does not deviate from the southeast quarter of the compass? Response: The question is actively disputed among the…
Ibn Jubayr Describes the Standing at Arafat during the Hajj
The hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, during Dhu’l Hijjah, the twelfth lunar month in the Islamic calendar, takes place at locations in and around Mecca, including the circumambulation of the Kaaba, the running between Safa and Marwa hills, and…
Ibn Jubayr Describes a 12th Century Hajj Caravan
Khulays has a spring of abundant waters to which are joined underground conduits whence water is drawn... At these men renew their supplies of water, for there is little of it upon the way on account of the continuous drought. May God send rains in…
The Friedberg Genizah Project and the Princeton University Genizah Project
The Cairo Genizah, mostly discovered late in the nineteenth century but still resurfacing in our own day, is a collection of over 200,000 fragmentary Jewish texts (which may well equal three times that number of folios). Many of these were stored in…
The Indian Ocean in World History Website
Gordon Stewart’s When Asia Was the World includes accounts of various travelers on land and sea. Among the travelers mentioned in the book, Xuanzang, Ibn Fadlan, Abraham bin Yiju, Ibn Battuta, Ma Huan, and Tomé Pires all traversed Indian…
The Arts of the Book and Miniature Painting
This brief video describes the Islamic arts of the book and book illustration in the form of miniature painting. Related primary resource: Ibn al-Nadim on the Transmission and Authorization of Books, The Qur'an on Paradise (image).
This brief video expores the effect of geometric lines and curves on ornamental design in Islamic art, and illlustrates how they also characterize the timeless, breathtaking architecture of the Muslim world. Related primary resources: Al-Wansharisi…
Islamic Textiles
This brief video describes the arts of weaving, knotting, and dyeing fabrics, including patterned carpets, woven calligraphy and their uses in Muslim cultures at all levels of society. Related primary resource: A Geniza Letter Regarding Trade and…
Tags: Arabic, carpets, clothing, courtly life, dress, fabrics, gender, ikat, Islamic arts, material culture, Qur’an, religion, textiles, veil, video essays
Islamic Gardens
This brief video describes the forms, functions, features, and significance of the garden in Islamic societies, and the motif of gardens in various artistic genres. Related primary resources: The Qur'an on Paradise, Babur on the Construction of the…
The Arts of Trade and Travel
The obligation to make the pilgrimage (known as the hajj) to Mecca, combined with the tradition of global trade in Muslim societies, makes international travel important in the lives of many Muslims. This brief video highlights the arts associated…
Mosques and Religious Architecture
This brief video describes the structure, architecture and decoration of mosques and other religious buildings and discusses theirvariations in Muslim societies across geography and time. Related primary sources: The Qur'an on the Qibla,…
Tags: Arabic, calligraphy, cities, decoration, geometry, inscription, Islamic architecture, material culture, mihrab, Minaret, mosques, prayer, Qur’an, religion, ritual, tiles, video essays
This brief video describes the arts of Islamic calligraphy, the artistic practice of handwriting based on the Arabic script. Related primary sources: The Qur'an on Paradise,Ibn al-Nadim on the Transmission and Authorization of Books.
Babur on the Construction of the Bagh-i Wafa
In 914 (1508-09), I had constructed a charbagh garden called the Bagh i-Wafa on a rise to the south of the Adinapur fortress. [A charbagh garden is a rectangular garden divided into four parts by paths or waterways.] It overlooks the river, which…
Inscription on the Facade of the Madrasa-Mausoleum of Sultan Qala’un
This noble dome, this magnificent college, and blessed hospital was ordered by our Lord and Master, the August Sultan al-Malik al-Mansur, the Wise, Just, God-assisted, Victorious, Champion of the Faith, Conqueror, Sword of the World and True…
Ibn Battuta on Chinese Porcelain
The Chinese pottery (porcelain) is manufactured only in the towns of Zaytun and Sin-kalan. It is made of the soil of some mountains in that district, which takes fire like charcoal, as we shall relate subsequently. They mix this with some stones…
Tags: ceramics, China, Ibn Battuta, Ibn Jubayr, Islamic arts, material culture, porcelain, trade, travel
A Geniza Letter Regarding Trade and Market Prices
I am writing to you, my lord and master—may God prolong your life and grant you permanent well-being and happiness—to inform you that I arrived on Friday, after an eight days’ journey, and unloaded my cargo on Sunday, the day I am…
Tags: Cairo, Geniza, India, jizya, Judaism, North Africa, religious tolerance, synagogues, textiles, trade
Ibn al-Nadim on the Transmission and Authorization of Books
He began dictation of this book, Kitab al-yaqut (The Book of the Gem) on Thursday, 29 Muharram in the year 326 (December 6, 937) in the principal mosque of Abu Ja’far’s city (Baghdad), from memory, without any books or notes, and he…
Tags: Arabic, books, calligraphy, Fihrist, Ibn Nadim, Islamic arts, libraries, literature, material culture, paper
The Impact of Alhazen's Optics on How We See the World
"Truth is sought for itself"—but "the truths...are immersed in uncertainties [and] not immune from error...Therefore, the seeker after the truth is not one who studies the writings of the ancients and, following his natural disposition, puts his…
Excerpts from Ibn Sina’s Canon of Medicine in Arabic and Latin
In the first place we render thanks to Allah, for the very excellence of the order of His creation, and the abundance of His benefits. His blessings and the abundance of His mercies are upon all the prophets. In the next place, I may say that it is…
Map of the Transfer of Scientific Knowledge to Renaissance Europe
As background to the discussion of scientific knowledge in Jim al-Khalili's House of Wisdom: How Arabic Science Saved Ancient Knowledge and Gave Us the Renaissance, the diagram traces the movement of knowlege from East to West over several centuries.…
Tags: Abbasid, Arabic, Baghdad, Cairo, China, Cordoba, diagram, Hellenistic, House of Wisdom, India, Jundishapur, Latin, map, mathematics, Persia, Renaissance, science, Sicily, Spain, Toledo, Western Europe
'Hajj' from Oxford Islamic Studies Online
Unique among the world's great pilgrimages, the hajj is in many ways also the most important. Even compared to the ancient and highly developed international pilgrimage systems of Christianity and Hinduism, the hajj is remarkable in its doctrinal…
Tags: Abraham, circumambulation, Five Pillars, Hajar, Hajj, Islam, Ismail, Kaaba, Mecca (Makkah), Muhammad, pilgrimage, religion, ritual, tawaf, travel, worship, Zamzam
Historical Maps of Medieval Spain
These historical maps of the medieval Iberian Peninsula provide background to The Ornament of the World: How Muslims, Jews, and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain by María Rosa Menocal. The maps show the advance of…
Timeline of Medieval Spain and the Iberian Peninsula
711 North African commander Tariq ibn Ziyad leads Umayyad forces across the Strait of Gibraltar into Spain. Muslim forces defeat the Visigoth army, marking the beginning of Muslim rule in Iberia. 750 - 755 Umayyad prince…
Timeline of Publication History: The Arabian Nights
10th century,Baghdad, Iraq Ibn al Nadim (ca. 932-990) in the Fihrist, or Catalogue of Books, mentions a book of Persian stories entitled Hazār Afsān, a tale of 200 stories in which Sheherezade tells a thousand nights of stories to…
Paper as a New Technology in Muslim Lands
Al-Jahiz, “The Disadvantages of Parchment” What is it to you that all my books are written on China paper or Khurasan paper? Explain why you have pressed on me the advantages of using parchment and urged me to write on hide, when you…
Tags: Abbasid dynasty, al-Jahiz, Arabic, arts of the book, culture, essays, Iraq, literature, paper, science, stories, technology
Al-Hamadhání, "The Maqama of Fresh Butter”
Ísá ibn Hishám related to us and said: “I turned aside with a few of my friends to the front of a tent to ask hospitality from its occupants, and there came out to us a portly little man and asked: 'Who are you?' We…
Tags: Al-Hamadani, Arabic literature, humor, stories
Jokes from Juha, the Everyman Character
Goha Gives Thanks to Allah Goha once lost his donkey. He couldn’t find it anywhere. As he went around the town searching for it, he kept on saying, “Thanks be to Allah! Thanks be to Allah!” People were surprised to find him giving…
Tags: Arabic, culture, Goha, humor, Juha, literature, Mulla Nasruddin, Nasruddin Hoja, Persian, stories, Turkish, wisdom
Ibn Fadlan's Journey to the Land of the Rus
I saw the Rusiya when they came hither on their trading voyages and had encamped by the river Itil. I have never seen people with a more developed bodily stature than they. They are as tall as date palms, blond and ruddy, so that they do not need to…
Tags: Abbasid caliphate, Baghdad, culture, customs, Ibn Fadlan, Iraq, Russia, trade, travel narratives, Vikings
From Kalila and Dimna, The Crane and the Crab
“The Crane and the Crab” A crane once dwelt upon a pleasant lake placed among little hills spread over with herbs and flowers. He lived upon such fish as he could catch, and for many years got plenty. But at length, becoming old and…
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