Points of View

Interview with Marjane Satrapi

About This Resource

Marjane Satrapi, author of the graphic novel Persepolis, was interviewed for an article by Simon Hattenstone in the London Guardian newspaper in March 2008, just before release of the film version of Persepolis.


Simon Hattenstone, “Confessions of Miss Mischief.” The Guardian, March 29, 2008. http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2008/mar/29/biography. Image credit: Photograph by Georges Biard, Wikimedia commons.

How to Cite This Page

"Muslim Journeys | Item #256: Interview with Marjane Satrapi", July 27, 2024 http://bridgingcultures-muslimjourneys.org/items/show/256.


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