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Leo Africanus Describes the Region of Sous in Morocco
Of the region of Sous. Now comes the region of Sus to be considered of, being situated beyond [the] Atlas, over against the territorie of Hea, that is to say, in the extreme part of Africa. Westward it beginneth from the Ocean sea, and southward from…
Tags: Africa, Al-Hasan al-Wazzaz al-Fasi, books, cities, England, exploration, geography, history, Islam, Leo Africanus, migration, Morocco, printing, Sahara, West Africa
“Leo Africanus” Presents Africa to Europeans
In 1550, a remarkable book about Africa, La Descrittione dell’Africa, came off the Giunta press in Venice, as the first volume of Giovanni Battista Ramusio’s celebrated series of Voyages. It had been written by an African, Ramusio assured…
'Morocco' from Oxford Islamic Studies Online
A North African country about the size of California, Morocco has existed as an Islamic region since the 700s. Its local name, al-Maghrib, means “sunset,” after the ancient Arabic name for North Africa, Bilad al-Maghrib (Lands of Sunset).…
Timeline of Moroccan History
1904 – 1906 France and Spain carve out zones of influence. France and Spain control Moroccan ports and collect customs duty. 1912 With the Sultan as a figurehead, Morocco becomes a French protectorate administered by…
Tags: Arab Spring, chronology, colonialism, France, history, Idris, independence, Islam, monarchy, Morocco, nationalism, Portugal, Spain, timeline, United Nations, United States
Map of Morocco
As background to the locations described in Dreams of Trespass, the memoir of Fatima Mernissi's childhood in Morocco, readers can view and download a map of Morocco from the United Nations Cartographic Section website in pdf format.
Tags: colonialism, geography, map, Mediterranean, Morocco, North Africa
Leo Africanus, a Man between Worlds (Video)
The BBC Arabic film Leo Africanus: A Man between Worlds by Moroccan journalist Badr Sayegh retraces key locations visited by Leo Africanus, the Muslim born as Hasan al-Wazzan in the 1480s. Captured by pirates, he was given as a slave to the Pope and…
Dreams of Trespass: Tales of a Harem Girlhood
Dreams of Trespass: Tales of a Harem Girlhood takes place in Fez, Morocco, in the 1940s and early 1950s. The harem of this memoir’s title is a large house with its own courtyard, shared by several generations of an extended family. Fatima…