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"Qur'an Verse Lookup" from Oxford Islamic Studies Online
The "Qur'an Verse Lookup" provides side-by-side translations by A. J. Arberry and M. A. S. Abdel Haleem for comparison, searchable by numbered Qur'anic chapter and verse. It is a feature of the Oxford Islamic Studies Onlinethat requires access to the…
The Impact of Alhazen's Optics on How We See the World
"Truth is sought for itself"—but "the truths...are immersed in uncertainties [and] not immune from error...Therefore, the seeker after the truth is not one who studies the writings of the ancients and, following his natural disposition, puts his…
Excerpts from Ibn Sina’s Canon of Medicine in Arabic and Latin
In the first place we render thanks to Allah, for the very excellence of the order of His creation, and the abundance of His benefits. His blessings and the abundance of His mercies are upon all the prophets. In the next place, I may say that it is…
Timeline of Publication History: The Arabian Nights
10th century,Baghdad, Iraq Ibn al Nadim (ca. 932-990) in the Fihrist, or Catalogue of Books, mentions a book of Persian stories entitled Hazār Afsān, a tale of 200 stories in which Sheherezade tells a thousand nights of stories to…